The simplest, best looking,
and most customizable
Bible app you will ever use!

Version 13.10.1 (Oct. 28, 2024)
• Bugfix: Removed extra text at end of passage

Version 13.9.1 (Oct. 26, 2024)
• Bugfix: Incorrect text layout on first opening

Version 13.8 (Jul. 18, 2024)
• Bugfix: Crashing when opening settings on some devices
As a fulltime pastor with little free time, I do what I can to keep the app as one of the best. I will always keep the primary content of this app free.

Study Tools in-app purchase proceeds pay for the yearly developer fees and server hosting for content.

All donations via PayPal go to improving Holy Bible and not directly to my ministry. However, the less I have to invest from in-app purchases to Holy Bible helps extend my ministry expenses.